Silex et craie (calcédoine et coccolithe)
2022 - Duo
They don’t see anything anymore. Their bodies freeze and absorb what’s coming from the outside. In a final jolt, they try to invest the space that opens in front of them. Time, desire, resonate to their own chaos, as the only way to stay aware of their own urge.
Vincent Dupont & Bernardo Montet
Premiere July 19, 2022 in the frame of the program Vive le sujet ! by Festival d’Avignon / SACD.
With: Vincent Dupont and Bernardo Montet
Choreography: Vincent Dupont and Bernardo Montet
Music and sound design: Maxime Fabre
Vocal coach: Valérie Joly
Artistic collaboration: Myriam Lebreton
Production: J’y pense souvent (…)
Administration/production: Alexandra Servigne
Distribution/development: Marion Gauvent
Coproduction: SACD – Festival d’Avignon –
ICI-Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo dans le cadre de l’accueil-studio – Centre des arts Enghien-les-Bains
Supports: DGCA Ministère de la culture – Région Ile-de-France
©Vincent Dupont - 2020